Taxi transfer from Malaga Airport to Granada. If you want to book a taxi from Malaga Airport to Granada will be very easy with Cheap Taxi Malaga.
We are continually used for private bookings to Granada and we gives you the guarantee of delivery and good conditions of professionals. Granada and are lovely towns and if you have the opportunity use a private taxi transfer to Granada, will be really nice.
You can see the price for this transfer online. Until you have been confirmed your booking, our taxi driver will be waiting for you at Malaga Airport with a sign of your name. To confirm the reservation of your taxi transfer from Malaga Airport to Granada, only fill the booking form and confirm it via online when we send you the quote.
You can choose some types of cars, depending by your needs and number of persons. Booking a taxi with us, You don’t pay extra money for your carry in Malaga Airport.
Price for transfer from Malaga to Granada is 120€ up to 4 passengers.
Price for transfer from Malaga to Granada is 180€ up to 8 passengers.
We wish you a nice comfortable transfer to Granada with CheapTaxiMalaga!
Get your quote -> Book taxi Malaga to Granada

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